As the title would suggest, I made it out of Kagawa, into the next prefecture. Yesterday I was taken rafting, destination unknown, my favourite sort of adventure.
Before arriving, I did a lot of research on the net and in bookstores, on Japan and Shikoku especially. The number one place I wanted to explore was Oboke Gorge, which slices through the mountains in the centre of the island. Pictures I saw were beautiful and it was held up as the last unpolluted river in Japan. Sooo lush.
So guess where our rafting destination was. Not hard really. I was sooo excited, prepared to be happy with scenary and a tame boat ride down the river.
The weather here has been unrelentingly hot, sans breeze of any rustle. Ive become used to Australian (non) summers again, when you know that the heat will be followed by a few days of cooller weather or rain. Though we complain about the lack of hot days, I must say I rather like the variety, for appreciates everything more.
Where to start? I had the most fun Ive had in I cant remember how long. Like we are talking

We headed down to the river and ran through basic safety procedures, shown how to float and roll, how to hold the paddle so you dont knock your neighbour for six, and then got to board the boats. If the rapid is not too fast the guide yells "hold on", a big one and we are instructed "get down" doing just that, crouching in the bottom of the boat, holding on. When the river is faster you might have to "go to the right" or "go to the left" to keep the balance in the raft and avoid flipping.

It was so cool. Descriptions defy me. After negotiating a rapid we all clashed our paddles together and yelled in unison. Water fights with other rafts were encouraged and we jumped off the boat and went swimming between rapids. Admired the view. Floated down the river. Chilled out. Probably annoyed everyone with my constant and unimaginative gushings about how beautiful it all was!!
Teru san, our guide, spends summers in Tokushima and summers in NZ. Rafting constantly. This explained his perfect english and radiantly spunky smile. What a life. We tied up to a big rock and climbed up to the top, a feat in mountaineering itself, especially with a recovering ankle. Thank God for frequent swimming and freshly acquired upper body strength. The rock was 5 metres high and we were encouraged to jump off. Teru san demonstrated with a perfectly formed back flip. I stood at the edge and looked down. Five metres seemed an awfully long way down from up there. How deep is it? I asked. He said no one had ever touched the bottom. My next worry was belly flopping or landing wrong. Itae! (ouch). Scary thoughts were careering through my head and I realised I could be the last one up there. Frozen. Dont think, I told my self, 1, 2, 3: I let out a yell and leapt. A split second of "oh shit" looping through my head and then I hit water.
The most refreshing water to swim in ever. Pools are nice, the sea is great, but I dont really like the sticky after. Rivers and dams have to be the nicest swimming. Last time I swam it was New Year and freezing cold. I think Ill be going back up to Oboke a lot while it stays hot.

Some time later, here they are. Check out pix link to ur left for more.
Free advertising: http://happyraft.com/ja/
Hey stranger!
Over in J this time huh? Another reason to get over there :)
If you need some English-speaking sanity, or a diving partner, a mate of mine is over there working, and doing a lot of trips to Saipan to wallow in the deep and pretty water... also has a bit of know-how with the cheap(ish) underwater camera's.
So when do you bounce back to Sydney again? Huh? Huh?
I would be the friend our friend with purple hair mentioned. Based in Tokyo, he should have sent you my contact details. I get back on monday of next week from saipan. enjoy and have fun.
Thought I should say g'day... it's only been years!!! Good to see you're still yahooing your way around the planet.
Nothing too exciting happening at my end: been working at ACNielsen full-time for just over a year (I have a wanky title and last salary review negotiated to work four days a week for more money... still not quite sure how I pulled that one off); just got back from Cairns last week (took my neice up there for a bit of a jaunt), living in Mt Colah in my own place (been there for a couple of years now) getting older, fatter and grumpier, the usual shit. A travel novel sounds cool, just finished reading "Holy Cow" (very cool Indian travel novel written by Aussie chick).
Looking forward to the next installment. Stay safe, Emma J : )
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