Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Crazy cars

To get the whels rolling, this is my car: the car made for people who need a lot of headrooom, for which there is a dire need in Japan. Called the "Toppo" it likes to go bungee jumping off bridges in high winds, minus the bungee cord. However, it was free, and it gets me from A to B. I especially like the turquoise trim lines. It also has a racing steering wheel, which I do quite like, though a slight delusion of grandeur for a car with only a 600cc engine under the hood. Great milage though.

This is the car parked next to my house. I've heard these referred to as "snails" by fellow gaigin. Check out the headlamps. A car made for couples with narrow shoulders. It reminds me of the three wheeled car my mum had when I was very small.

This pair I spotted on the weekend. Why oh why??? And the colour scheme . . . what is that. Apparently these custom made cars are quite common in Japan and cost a small fortune to modify. But why would you want to.

This one was snapped early this year en route to Okayama. This batmobile is a tad cooler, but still defying explanation.

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