I left Oki Beach and continued towards Nakamura, the gateway to Shimanto Gawa, which a friend had told me a while ago when asked, that this was his favourite place in Shikoku. It was beautiful, but I must admit I was somewhat disappointed, preferring the tumbling, rock dominated smaller rivers that cut through the mountains of central Shikoku.
I was also, metaphorically and actually on my way back home. The grey day turned rainy and for the rest of the day, after leaving the river behind, I followed narrow winding inland roads through beautiful forests where the tourists for the most part hadn't penetrated. I was a beautiful bonding experience between me, nature and my iPod.
I ended up in Kochi town, and headed for the tourist information to find a hotel. I wanted to see the castle the next day, but get a good night's sleep beforehand, tired after driving all day. Unfortunately, every single hotel in Kochi and the surrounding region was full. I was in another big city and camping wasn't an option. I was also desperate for a hot shower, my last reall wash being in Matsuyama four nights before.
I sat in my car and contemplated my options, eventually running into the train station to buy the necessary omiage for work, students and friends. Taking off for a week and returning without gifts would have been inexcusable. I asked a lady at an omiage shop what was famous Kochi food and bought a bag full of the same thing for everyone before hitting the expressway home.
This was my first time driving on the expressway and I'd heard they were extortionately expensive. I figured it would have to be cheaper than a hotel I hoped. I flew along this super fast and wide road, finding a whole new range of noises my car made as it bundled along at just over 100km/h for the first time.
I hit a major inexplicable traffic jam where in the space of 30 seconds everyone slowed from super fast to about 5km/h, then stopped, then edged forwards some more. We covered about 5km in about an hour. Luckily it happened just past a series of 3 and 4 km tunnels, which anyone who knows me at all well would know that would have completely freaked me out!
Then as suddenly as we had stopped, we started moving again and I was home in just over and hour, not including a long sojourner at my local onsen.
I had a day to do my washing and settle back in and then Golden Week was over.
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